

See why customers choose Pleasant Password Server with a KeePass client

Password Server provides easy-to-use and extensive reporting capabilities, which allow a comprehensive view of the current User Access, Password statistics, Audit Monitoring and Feature/Settings usage.

Report List

Password Reports

Password Expiry Report

Displays all passwords that will expire by a specified date

Password Strength Report

Displays all entry passwords at an inputted strength value or higher

Password Age Report

Displays the age of passwords (the last time changed), at an inputted amount of days or older

Password Access History Report

Displays all the users who have accessed a particular credential over a given time period.


Access Reports

User Access History Report

Displays all the passwords accessed by a user in the given time frame, including created or modified entries

All Access Report

Displays all user access for credentials in a selected credential folder tree

User Access Report

Displays a summary count and details of the user access for each user

Role Access Report

Displays a summary count and details of the role access for each role

Access Frequency Report

Displays access total summaries, broken down by category


Other Reports

All-Settings Report

Displays all configurable settings on a single page

Load Report

Displays how heavily the system is used, information for technical support

Role Report

Displays the number of users in each role, users assigned the role directly, and users inheriting it through a sub role

Attachment Report

Displays statistics on all uploaded attachments, including size and location of individual attachments

Enrollment Status Report

Displays the enrollment status of reset users, for password resets


See Report Details, for additional information on each report above.


KeePass Desktop Reports & Filters

The following user entry reports and filters are available from the user's KeePass Desktop application, accessed from the Edit menu or Tools menu.

KeePass Desktop Reports & Filters

Expired Entries

Displays expired entries for the user

Expiring Entries

Displays expiring entries for the user

Find Duplicate Passwords

Scans for duplicate passwords for the user

Find Similar Passwords

Scans user's passwords which are similar to other passwords

Password Quality Report

Retrieves user's entry passwords and displays password quality list report

Large Entries

Displays user's entries by size of memory consumed

Last Modified

Displays a list of last modified entries for the user

Generated Password List (preview)

Displays a list of example generated passwords matching a password profile


Report Scheduling

Reports can be scheduled and setup to run with specific parameters. The results are sent to a user or role recipient.