Directory Search Filters
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Below are Search Filters which you may find helpful for configuring your AD/LDAP Directory settings or for filtering your Import Users or Import Roles
From your AD/LDAP Directory connection (in the web app menu under Users & Roles > Active Directory/LDAP) it is possible to first create a AD or LDAP User Directory connection and to provide either basic filters as a part of that connection:
Basic Filters:
- Basic Distinguished Name - which filters users and groups (roles)
- User Relative DN - which filters users
- Group Relative DN - which filters groups (roles)
Advanced Filters:
On top of these filters or as an alternative, more advanced filter options are preferred for large user directories and are helpful to restrict access by filtering the directory connection to one security group:
- Click your Directory connection (link) -> Click Advanced Settings (link) -> Search Filters (section) -> Additional User Filters (section)
Search Filters:
When manually importing, you can search for specific users or roles using filters when importing from users and roles. (Note that these get applied on top of the connection filters) . These can be accessed from the web app menu under Users & Roles > Active Directory/LDAP -> Click Actions button:
- Import Users page: Import Users menu item -> Click "Change Filters"
Import Roles page: Import Roles menu item -> Click "Change Filters"
Advanced Filters (for users/roles):
These filters are helpful when setting up connection to a large/complex User Directory, to restrict to a security group.
All users who are direct members of a specific Group:
memberOf is CN=Test,ou=East,dc=Domain,dc=com
All members of a specified group, including in nested Groups:
memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941: is cn=Test,ou=East,dc=Domain,dc=com
Search Filters:
All users with "primary" group "Domain Users":
primaryGroupID is 513
All users with "common name" starting with "M":
CN is M*
All users with "primary" group other than "Domain Users":
primaryGroupID is not 513
All role names that contain "security":
- Name is *security*
Sample filters:
- Name is John Horner
- Name is John *
- CN is John Horner
- CN is John*
- DisplayName is John Horner
- DisplayName is *Horner
- sAMAccountName is JHorner
- sAMAccountName is JH*