
Database Configuration for Older Versions

Use KeePass with Pleasant Password Server

(Versions 3.5.0 - 3.5.4)

Older versions of Password Server had specific instructions for connecting to custom databases, as below.

For versions 3.5.0 to 3.5.4 of Pleasant Password Server

For versions 3.5.0 and up to (but not including) 3.5.4, using a database other than the default SQLite was not supported as we transitioned the database configuration mechanism and added AES-256 encryption to SQLite databases.

For versions of Pleasant Password Server prior to 3.5.0

If you are using PostgreSQL, MS SQL 2005, or MS SQL 2008 and would rather use that for Pleasant Password Server, you can do so. All it requires is that you change the referenced path and name of the database in both the Server DLL Config and Web Config files, near the beginning of the file, as follows:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Pleasant Solutions\Pleasant Password Server\PassMan.WindowsService.exe.config



                 <addname="PrimaryDatabase"providerName="SQLite"connectionString="Data Source=[AppDataRoamingPleasant]Password ServerPleasantPassServer.db"/>



  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Pleasant Solutions\Pleasant Password Server\wwwWeb.config


                 <addname="PrimaryDatabase"providerName="SQLite"connectionString="Data Source=[AppDataRoamingPleasant]Password ServerPleasantPassServer.db"/>


You will have to change the name of the database, as well as the connection string appropriate for the database you are using. If you don't know the connection string for the database you are using, you can find it here:



Valid providers are: SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MS SQL



While other databases work, SQLite is the default supported. As such, you will have to manually re-apply these settings if you install an upgraded version of Password Server, as the edited configuration will be overwritten.