Group and Entry SSO Settings
Discover how Pleasant Password Server will enhance KeePass for business
Both groups and entries have a new SSO dialog that can be accessed from the Folder Actions or menu, respectively.
Please Note: As of Version 7.9.0, HTTP SSO will become a legacy module, only available to service plans purchased prior to this release.
The dialog allows you to configure the following SSO-related settings:
- Username: the placeholder to use in the username field of a website. By default, this is set to placeholduser%, although for some sites that require an email address as the username, you may need to change this to
placeholduser - Password: the placeholder to use in the password field of a website. By default, this is set to placeholdpass% and can be changed if needed. When possible, try to choose placeholders that are six characters or longer to avoid spurious matches. When the Inherit checkbox is used, the password placeholder is set automatically from that of the parent group and is displayed on the dialog as non-editable.
The SSO dialog for entries has the following additional settings:
- Post URLs: a list of URLs (i.e. website addresses), separated by spaces or on separate lines, for which authentication should be done through the SSO server. Usually, this is the portion of the URL of the login page that appears before the question mark, e.g. the login page for gmail is
// - Redirect Early URLs: a list of URLs (i.e. website addresses), separated by spaces or on separate lines, for which the SSO server should authenticate earlier than usual. This setting is mainly for certain websites on which the SSO login does not work properly even when the Post URLs are specified, and can be left blank for most entries.