
Default the KeePass Server URL

See why customers enjoy using Pleasant Password Server with a KeePass client

It is possible to default the Server URL in a KeePass for Pleasant client config file and for this change to be scripted for all your users. In the future we are hoping to automate this process.

By default a config file is created for each user (in their Roaming folder), after their first login. If the file exists there already, the settings will remain in place.

  1. Find both of these file locations:
    • %AppData%\KeePass\PasswordServerClientConfiguration.xml
    • %AppData%\PleasantKeePass\PasswordServerClientConfiguration.xml
  2. Add/change this key to the correct URL:
    • <PasswordServer>https://MyServerName:10001</PasswordServer>
  3. This can be administered by IT staff, for example, by:
    • Setting up a Run Once script for the users and can then manage it using a Group Policy Object
    • See additional tips here: